Special SDI Seminar - Sanidhya Kashyap

— 1:00pm

In Person and Virtual - ET - Newell-Simon 3305 and Zoom

SANIDHYA KASHYAP , Systems Researcher, and Assistant Professor , School of Computer and Communication Sciences, EPFLÉcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Towards Adaptive and Evolving Systems Software

Specializing the OS for application requirements is becoming the need of the hour. In this talk, I will present our ongoing effort to meet these requirements dynamically. First, I will present a new approach to designing a storage stack that allows file system developers to design userspace file systems without compromising file system security guarantees while at the same time ensuring direct access to non-volatile memory (NVM) hardware. 

I will present a new file system architecture that decouples file system design, access control, and metadata integrity enforcement, providing a clean structure to design file systems. Then, I will present KFlex, a new approach to kernel extensibility that balances expressivity and performance. KFlex separates the safety of kernel-owned resources (e.g., kernel memory) from the safety of extension-specific resources (e.g., extension memory). This separation enables KFlex to use distinct, bespoke mechanisms to enforce each safety property, which enables the offload of diverse functionality while incurring low runtime overheads. 


Sanidhya Kashyap is a systems researcher and an Assistant Professor at the School of Computer and Communication Sciences at EPFL. His research focuses on designing robust and scalable systems software. He received the Vmware Early Career Faculty Award in 2021 and his Ph.D. from Georgia Tech in 2020. 

Faculty Host: Dimitrios Skarlatos 

In Person and Zoom Participation.  See announcement.

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