Dec 4 2PM - 3:30pm Doctoral Speaking Skills Talk - Meng-Chieh (Jeremy) Lee MENG-CHIEH (JEREMY) LEE Accurate, Robust, and Interpretable Graph Mining In Person Reddy Conference Room, Gates Hillman 4405
Dec 3 12PM - 1PM Doctoral Speaking Skills Talk - William Zhang WILLIAM ZHANG The Holon Approach to Holistic Database Optimization In Person Blelloch-Skees Conference Room, Gates Hillman 8115
Nov 14 3PM - 4PM Doctoral Speaking Skills Talk - Cayden Codel CAYDEN CODEL Verified Substitution Redundancy Checking for SAT Solving In Person Newell-Simon 3305
Oct 31 2PM - 3PM Doctoral Speaking Skills Talk - Zhengyao Lin ZHENGYAO LIN FlowCert: Translation Validation for Asynchronous Dataflow via Dynamic Fractional Permissions In Person Mehrabian Collaborative Innovation Center 2201
Oct 22 12PM - 1PM Joint Speaking Skills Talk / Database Lunch Group Talk - Wan Shen Lim WAN SHEN LIM Accelerating Machine Learning for Database Systems In Person Blelloch-Skees Conferences Room, Gates Hillman 8115
Oct 10 2PM - 3PM Speaking Skills Talk - Carlos Martin CARLOS MARTIN Finding Mixed-Strategy Nash Equilibria of Black-Box Continuous-Action Games Using Randomized Policy Networks and Joint-Perturbation Simultaneous Pseudo-Gradients In Person Newell-Simon 4305
Sep 25 12PM - 1PM Joint Theory Lunch Seminar / Speaking Skills Talk - William He WILLIAM HE Pseudorandomness Properties of Random Reversible Circuits In Person Reddy Conference Room, Gates Hillman 4405
Sep 20 12PM - 1PM Doctoral Speaking Skills Talk - Afonso Tinoco AFONSO TINOCO Oblivious Maps In Person Mehrabian Collaborative Innovation Center 1301
Aug 27 1PM - 2PM Speaking Skills Talk - Victor Akinwande VICTOR AKINWANDE HyperCLIP: Adapting Vision-Language models with Hypernetworks In Person Newell-Simon 4305
Jun 18 3PM - 4PM Speaking Skills Talk - Christoper Canel CHRISTOPHER CANEL Measuring and Mitigating Incast Bursts in Modern Datacenters In Person Gates Hillman 8102