Mar 27 10AM - 12PM SCS Faculty Candidate - Rishabh Iyer RISHABH IYER Performance Interfaces for Systems Software and Hardware In Person and Virtual - ET Reddy Conference Room, Gates Hillman 4405 and Zoom Add event to Google Add event to iCal
Mar 25 10AM - 12PM SCS Teaching Faculty Candidate - Bilal Taha BILAL TAHA Iterative Gradient-Based Algorithms for Optimization in ML In Person and Virtual - ET Newell-Simon 4305 and Zoom Add event to Google Add event to iCal
Mar 19 10AM - 12PM Teaching Track Faculty Candidate - Tanvi Bajpai TANVI BAJPAI Fundamentals of Functions In Person and Virtual - ET Newell-Simon 4305 and Zoom Add event to Google Add event to iCal
Mar 18 1PM - 3PM SCS Faculty Candidate - Tianyu Li TIANYU LI Building Novel Abstractions for a Declarative Cloud In Person and Virtual - ET Newell-Simon 4305 and Zoom Add event to Google Add event to iCal
Mar 17 1PM - 3PM SCS Faculty Candidate - Allen Liu ALLEN LIU Learning Theoretic Foundations for Modern (Data) Science In Person and Virtual - ET Newell-Simon 3305 and Zoom Add event to Google Add event to iCal
Mar 13 10AM - 12PM SCS Faculty Candidate - Ewin Tang EWIN TANG What are quantum computers good for? In Person and Virtual - ET Newell-Simon 4305 and Zoom Add event to Google Add event to iCal
Mar 12 1PM - 3PM SCS Faculty Candidate - Thomas Ristenpart TOM RISTENPART Computer Security in Known-Adversary Threat Models In Person and Virtual - ET Newell-Simon 4305 and Zoom Add event to Google Add event to iCal
Mar 10 1PM - 3PM SCS Faculty Candidate - Charles Yuan CHARLES YUAN Building the Tools to Program a Quantum Computer In Person and Virtual - ET Newell-Simon 4305 and Zoom Add event to Google Add event to iCal
Feb 27 1PM SCS Faculty Candidate - Alex Ozdemir ALEX OZDEMIR Security and Privacy through Programmable Cryptography, Compilers, and Verification In Person and Virtual - ET Newell-Simon 4305 and Zoom Add event to Google Add event to iCal
Jan 30 2:30pm - 4PM SCS Teaching Track Faculty Candidate - Elijah Rivera ELIJAH RIVERA Freedom from the Numbers, by the Numbers, for the Numbers: An Introduction to Hashmaps In Person and Virtual - ET ASA Conference Room, Gates Hillman 6115 and Zoom Add event to Google Add event to iCal
Nov 21 1PM SCS Faculty Candidate - Babu Pillai BABU PILLAI Out-of-the-Box Thinking in Systems Design and Implementation In Person and Virtual - ET Newell-Simon 4305 and Zoom Add event to Google Add event to iCal