CSD Marketing and Communications
CSD News and Announcements
Send information about awards & major funding grants, research projects and other noteworthy items to be announced to:
Unsure if it is news/announcement worthy? Send it and we will check in with you to determine where the info fits.
Are you on social media? Let us know so the department can connect and follow you!
Email your social media info to: csd-marcom-info@cs.cmu.edu
CSD Brand Standards Reference
Department branding follows university guidelines very closely. We use an approved unitmark, which was created by university marketing, along with our logo to help distinguish the department within the school and university branding structure.
If you have any questions about department marketing & communications please email:
CSD Logo Usage Guide and Downloads
- Whenever reasonable, the horizontal version of the logo-unitmark combination should be used for department branding.
- For items like mugs or other items that can’t effectively accommodate the longer horizontal you can use the block/vertical format that will fit the space better.
- The stylized CSD logo portion should NOT be used by itself. Branding should include the university/department unitmark in combination with the logo.
- Single current exception: inclusion of the logo as part of a QR code when additional branding is present or when it is used for internal department purposes (posters inside Gates-Hillman)
- PLEASE NOTE: The SCS Dragon is NOT approved to be used for department-based marketing and branded items. The dragon is intended for school-wide branded events and products. Please contact Catherine Copetas if you want to use the SCS Dragon on posters or products.
- Note: There is a color difference for print versus web. If you have questions about which files to use please use the email csd-marcom-info@cs.cmu.edu and we will help you find the correct files for your use.
- Files for print use - updated December 2019 - (horizontal & block in 4 color color are currently downloadable)
- Files for use on web pages and in presentations - updated July 2020 - (horizontal & block in 4 color color are currently downloadable, including a Google Forms header image. Requires CMU Box login to download files.)
Department letterhead
Microsoft Word format - updated September 2019
Apple Pages format - updated Sepetember 2019
Other formats by request, if feasible.
Presentation Templates are being updated and will be posted when completed.
Department Communications & Internal Branding
Establishing a d-list for department, course, research group:
D-list set up requires two administrators. If the list is for department use, please email csd-marcom-info@cs.cmu.edu before setting up a new list.
Department d-lists currently in use - list will be available soon
SCS web space includes academic volumes to support course websites.
Every CSD 15-nnn course should have a top-level course landing page that is housed within the SCS academic volume.
To get started please refer to information avilable from SCS computing services: https://computing.cs.cmu.edu/help-support/afs-academic-vol
Faculty Office — Request Form
Student Office — Request Form
Staff Office — Request Form
Example Label Layouts:
CMU Marketing Brand Standards Reference
If you are not familiar with what the university has developed please take time to look at their site to see what they provide and what their guidelines are:
CMU Marketing & Communications Brand Standards
University style guides cover:
- Brand
- Web
- Writing
- Social Media
- Merchandise
NOTE: There is also a link on their page to trademarks and licensing policies that you should be aware of before using images or wordmarks or unitmarks on websites, branded items, or providing university logos/graphics to a third party (such as a sponsor of a conference, etc.)
Carnegie Mellon Communications & Marketing
The Carnegie Mellon University visual identity creates a widely recognized image of the university brand.
It is critical that the university adopts a consistent use of Carnegie Mellon’s official wordmark, colors and typography to enhance global visibility and reputation.
Marketing & Communications is responsible for the creation and stewardship of our visual brand. For any suggestions or comments, please contact them at 412-268-6963, or email them.
University downloads can be found here: https://www.cmu.edu/marcom/brand-standards/downloads/index.html (authentication required)
Open Sans is the preferred typeface of Carnegie Mellon University. Optimized for print, web, and mobile interfaces with excellent legibility characteristics, Open Sans is free for all mediums and performs well on both Windows and Macintosh Operating Systems.
Additional typography guidance is available on the university marketing & communications pages.
Website Feedback or Issues
Please email csd-web-team@cs.cmu.edu
Carnegie Mellon is committed to making its digital content accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you have accessibility questions or encounter any content that you believe is not satisfactorily accessible, please contact the Office of Disability Resources.