Mar 24 1PM - 3PM SCS Faculty Candidate - Mohammad Salameh MOHAMMAD SALAMEH Teaching Demo on "Logistic Regression" In Person and Virtual - ET Newell-Simon 4305 and Zoom Add event to Google Add event to iCal
Nov 18 3PM - 4PM Teaching Track Faculty Candidate - Ranysha Ware RANYSHA WARE Teaching Demo: Data Analysis – Analyzing and Visualizing (15-110 Lecture) In Person and Virtual - ET Hall of Arts 160 and Zoom Add event to Google Add event to iCal
Nov 11 1PM - 2PM SCS Teaching Track Candidate - Maryam Hedayati MARYAM HEDAYATI Teaching Demonstration: Binary search trees In Person and Virtual - ET ASA Conference Room, Gates Hillman 6115 and Zoom Add event to Google Add event to iCal
Jan 26 3PM - 4:45pm SCS Faculty Candidate ADALBERT GERALD SOOSAI RAJ Teaching Demo: Dynamic Memory Allocation - How Memory Allocators Work? Virtual Presentation - ET Remote Access - Zoom (Teaching Demo) Add event to Google Add event to iCal
Jan 19 10AM SCS Faculty Candidate ELBA GARZA Principles of Caching within the Context of Computer Hardware and Organization Livestream ET from Newell-Simon Hall 4305 (Teaching Demo) Add event to Google Add event to iCal
Feb 26 12PM - 1:30pm CSD Faculty Candidate Teaching Demo Lin Chase Teaching Demo Remote Access - Zoom Add event to Google Add event to iCal
Jan 30 2PM - 3:45pm Faculty Candidate - Teaching Demo BRANDEN GHENA City-Scale Sensing and Communication ASA Conference Room 6115 Gates Hillman Centers Add event to Google Add event to iCal