

We have a strong group of faculty whose research is widely recognized for advancing the foundations of security and privacy, building provably-secure systems, and developing new programming languages and tools to aid the construction of secure software.

The goal of our group is to provide a scientific understanding of the sources of insecurity in computer systems, and to apply this understanding to the construction of new software and systems that come with guarantees about how they will behave when under attack.

Security and privacy are concerns that cut across all subdisciplines in Computer Science, so we continually work closely with researchers from other areas to find new challenges and opportunities. As a result, our research covers a broad range of topics, including authentication, language-based security, secure information flow, system and network security, cryptographic protocols, privacy, and mechanisms for accountability and transparency. However, our work on these topics is united by the view that security is impossible to achieve without a solid footing in rigorous techniques, precise definitions, and an appreciation of the nuances in real systems that are oftentimes at the core of these problems.



Innovative CMU Secure Blockchain Initiative Research, in Collaboration with Anaxi Labs, Focuses on Improving the Efficiency of Cryptographic Proof Systems

Tuesday, December 10, 2024
A team of Carnegie Mellon University researchers featuring Riad Wahby , assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kunming Jiang , Ph.D. student in the Computer Science Department, and Fraser Brown, assistant professor in the Software and Societal Systems Department, is overcoming the tradeoff between approaches that optimize for the CPU emulator, which is generally easier to program, versus the direct translation approach, which is potentially much less expensive in new research that is supported by Anaxi Labs.

Bryan Parno honored with the IEEE Cybersecurity Award for Practice

Friday, October 11, 2024
Bryan Parno, Kavčić-Moura Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Professor of Computer Science, has received the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Cybersecurity Award for Practice for his contributions to the theory and

CSD Faculty win two “Test of Time” awards at USENIX 2024

Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Matt Fredrikson, associate professor in the Computer Science Department and Software and Societal Systems Department (S3D), and Bryan Parno, professor in the Computer Science Department and Kavčić-Moura professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, were honored with prestigious “Test of Time” awards during the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium.

Researchers Working in this Area

Last First Professional Title
Aldrich Jonathan Professor, Affiliated Faculty
Andersen David Professor
Balzer Stephanie Assistant Professor
Blum Manuel University Professor Emeritus
Brumley David Professor of ECE, Affiliated Faculty
Crary Karl Associate Professor, Director of Doctoral Programs
Fanti Giulia Associate Professor, Affiliated Faculty
Fredrikson Matt Associate Professor
Garlan David Professor
Goncalves Rafael Doctoral Research Assistant
Goyal Vipul Adjunct Faculty
Harper Robert Professor
Hoffmann Jan Associate Professor
Jain Aayush Assistant Professor
McLoughlin Michael Doctoral Research Assistant
Miller Heather Assistant Professor
O'Donnell Ryan Professor
Parno Bryan Professor
Pfenning Frank Professor
Satyanarayanan Mahadev Jaime Carbonell University Professor of Computer Science
Sekar Vyas Tan Family Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Affiliated Faculty
Sherry Justine Associate Professor
Shi Elaine Professor
Skarlatos Dimitrios Assistant Professor
Steenkiste Peter Professor of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering
Wang Weina Associate Professor
Wing Jeannette Adjunct Faculty
Zheng Wenting Assistant Professor
Zhong Yong Doctoral Research Assistant
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