Doctoral Degrees Conferred Search Academic Year: 1996-1997 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title Jennifer Sheila Kay Charles Thorpe STRIPE: Remote Driving Using Limited Image Data James A. Landay Brad Myers, James Morris Interactive Sketching for the Early Stages of User Interface Design Mark Lillibridge Robert Harper Translucent Sums: A Foundation for Higher-Order Module Systems A. Bryan Loyall Joseph Bates Believable Agents: Building Interactive Personalities Chris Maeda Brian Bershad, Eric Cooper Service Decomposition: A Structuring Principle for Flexible High-Performance Operating Systems Lily Barkovic Mummert M. Satyanarayanan Exploiting Weak Connectivity in a Distributed File System Christopher David Okasaki Peter Lee Purely Functional Data Structures Susan Older Stephen Brookes A Denotational Framework for Fair Communicating Processes Jonathan Richard Shewchuk Gary Miller, David O'Hallaron Delaunay Refinement Mesh Generation Jefferey Allen Shufelt David McKeown Projective Geometry and Photometry for Object Detection and Delineation David Capers Steere M. Satyanarayanan Using Dynamic Sets to Reduce the Aggregate Latency of Data Access David Tarditi Peter Lee Design and Implementation of Code Optimizations for a Type-Directed Compiler for Standard ML Xuemei Wang Jaime Carbonell Learning Planning Operation by Observation and Practice Peter Weyhrauch Joseph Bates Guiding Interactive Drama Mark Damon Wheeler Katsushi Ikeuchi Automatic Modeling and Localization for Object Recognition Xudong Zhao Edmund Clarke Verification of Arithmetic Circuits Academic Year: 1995-1996 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai Thomas Gross Source-Level Debugging of Globally Optimized Code Anja Feldmann Daniel Sleator, Bruce Maggs On-Line Call Admission for High-Speed Networks Andrzej Filinski John Reynolds, Robert Harper Controlling Effects Shai Geva Stephen Brookes A Study of Higher-Order Sequential Computation Steven Guattery Doug Tygar, Gary Miller Applications of Graph-Theoretical Properties Jeffrey Jackson Merrick Furst The Harmonic Sieve: A Novel Application of Fourier Analysis to Machine Learning Theory and Practice Frederick Knabe Jeannette Wing Language Support for Mobile Agents Alon Lavie Masaru Tomita GLR: A Robust Grammar Focused Parser for Spontaneously Spoken Language Qi Lu M. Satyanarayanan, Nico Habermann Improving Data Consistency for Mobile File Access Using Isolation-Only Transactions Mark Walter Maimone Steven Shafer Characterizing Stereo Matching Problems using Local Spatial Frequency Greg Morrisett Robert Harper, Jeannette Wing Compiling with Types W. Scott Neal Reilly Joseph Bates Believable Social and Emotional Agents Scott McBride Nettles Jeannette Wing Safe and Efficient Persistent Heaps William J. Niehaus Egon Balas Design of Maximum Cardinality and Maximum Weight Clique Heuristics with Applications Barak A. Pearlmutter David Touretzky An Investigation of the Gradient Descent Process in Neural Networks Alicia Perez Jaime Carbonell Learning Search Control Knowledge to Improve Plan Quality Conrad Poelman Takeo Kanade The Paraperspective and Projective Factorization Methods for Recovering Shape and Motion M.K. Ravishankar Raj Reddy Efficient Algorithms for Speech Recognition Will Welch Andrew Witkin Serious Putty: Topological Design for Variational Curves and Surfaces Michael Witbrock Scott Fahlman, Alexander Waibel Learning Models of Speaker Variation Amy Moormann Zaremski Jeannette Wing Signature and Specification Matching Academic Year: 1994-1995 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title Anurag Acharya Peter Lee Scalability in Production System Programs Prasad Chalasani Avrim Blum Competitive Online Learning Algorithms for Navigation, Paging, and Predicting Switching Functions John Cheng Tom Mitchell Management of Speedup Mechanisms in Learning Architectures Robert B. Doorenbos Jill Fain Lehman Production Matching for Large Learning Systems Michael Gleicher Andrew Witkin A Differential Approach to Graphical Interaction Aarti Gupta Allan Fisher Inductive Boolean Function Manipulation: A Hardware Verification Methodology for Automatic Induction Susan Hinrichs Thomas Gross Compiler-Directed Architecture Dependent Communication Optimizations Puneet Kumar M. Satyanarayanan Mitigating the Effects of Optimistic Replication in a Distributed File System Francesmary Modugno Brad Myers Pursuit: Programming in the User Interface John Mount Ravindran Kannan Application of Convex Sampling to Optimization and Contingency Table Generation/Counting Sean Smith Doug Tygar Secure Distributed Time for Secure Distributed Protocols Peter D. Stout Brian Bershad, Eric Cooper WAX: A Wide-area Distributed Computation System Joseph Tebelskis Alexander Waibel Speech Recognition Using Neural Networks Kim Ritter Wagner Dana Scott Solving Domain Equations with Internal Pre-Orders Jeffrey Todd Wilson Dana Scott The Assembly Tower and Some Categorical and Algebraic Aspects of Frame Theory Academic Year: 1993-1994 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title Ann Pendleton Anderson Frank Pfenning Program Derivation by Proof Transformation Derek Lee Beatty Randal Bryant A Methodology for Formal Hardware Verification, with Applications to Microprocessors John Bradley Chen Doug Tygar The Impact of Software Structure and Policy on CPU and Memory System Performance Richard Powell Draves Jr. Richard Rashid Control Transfer in Operating System Kernels Timothy Scott Freeman Frank Pfenning Refinement Types for ML Bruce Lawrence Horn James Morris, Jeannette Wing Constrained Objects Mei-Yuh Hwang Raj Reddy Subphonetic Acoustical Modeling for Speaker-Independent Continuous Speech Recognition Richard Lawrence Lewis Jill Fain Lehman An Architecturally-based Theory of Human Sentence Comprehension David Elsey Long Edmund Clarke Model Checking, Abstraction and Compositional Verification John Samuel Pieper H. T. Kung Compiler Techniques for Managing Data Motion Todd Elliot Rockoff Allan Fisher An Analysis of Instruction-Cached SIMD Computer Architecture Ronald Rosenfeld Raj Reddy, Xuedong Huang Adaptive Statistical Language Modeling Jiri Sgall Steven Rudich Optimal Online Scheduling of Parallel Jobs I-Chen Wu H. T. Kung Multilist Scheduling: A New Parallel Programming Tool Bennet Yee Doug Tygar Using Secure Coprocessors Academic Year: 1992-1993 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title James Aspnes Steven Rudich Wait-Free Consensus Ralf Brown Jaime Carbonell, Masaru Tomita Using Multiple Adaptively-Weighted Strategies to Resolve Demonstratives Jerry Burch Edmund Clarke Trace Algebra for Automatic Verification of Real-Time Concurrent Systems Robert Cohn Tuomas Gross, H. T. Kung Source-level debugging of automatically parallelized programs Yolanda Gil Jaime Carbonell Acquiring Domain Knowledge for Planning by Experimentation Andrew Hastings Alfred Spector Transactional Distributed Shared Memory Nevin Heintze Peter Lee, Frank Pfenning Set Based Program Analysis Peter Jansen Herbert Simon Using Knowledge About the Opponent in Game-Tree Search Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous … Page 7 Page 8 Current page 9 Page 10 Page 11 … Next page Next › Last page Last » Academics Current Semester Courses Upcoming Semester Courses Schedule of Classes Undergraduate Catalog Bachelor's Programs Master's Programs Doctoral Programs Ph.D. in Computer Science Ph.D. in ACO Ph.D. in PAL CNBC Certificate Program Ph.D. Dual Degree Portugal Doctoral - How to Apply Degrees Conferred Other SCS Doctoral Programs Student Resources Thesis Repositories SCS Technical Reports Kilthub Proquest (requires CMU login)