Doctoral Degrees Conferred Search Academic Year: 2004-2005 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title Patrick Riley Manuela Veloso Coaching: Learning and Using Environment and Agent Models for Advice Sanjit A. Seshia Randal Bryant Adaptive Eager Boolean Encoding for Arithmetic Reasoning in Verification João Pedro Sousa David Garlan Scaling Task Management in Space and Time: Reducing User Overhead in Ubiquitous-Computing Environments Dennis W. Strelow Sanjiv Singh Motion Estimation from Image and Inertial Measurements Desney S. Tan Randy Pausch Exploiting the Cognitive and Social Benefits of Physically Large Displays Leejay Wu Christos Faloutsos Automated Modeling and Nonlinear Axis Scaling Håkan Lorens Samir Younes Reid Simmons Verification and Planning for Stochastic Processes with Asynchronous Events Antonia Zhai Todd Mowry Compiler Optimization of Value Communication for Thread-Level Speculation Martin Zinkevich Avrim Blum Theoretical Guarantees for Algorithms in Multi-Agent Settings Academic Year: 2003-2004 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title Nikhil Bansal Avrim Blum Algorithms for Flow Time Scheduling Andrew Bernard Peter Lee Engineering Formal Security Policies for Proof-Carrying Code Mihai-Dan Budiu Seth Goldstein Spatial Computation Nathaniel D. Daw David Touretzky Reinforcement Learning Models of the Dopamine System and their Behavioral Implications Rune Møller Jensen Manuela Veloso, Randal E. Bryant Efficient BDD-Based Planning for Non-Deterministic, Fault-Tolerant, and Adversarial Domains Jorjeta G. Jetcheva David Johnson Adaptive Demand-Driven Multicast Routing in Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Qifa Ke Takeo Kanade A Robust Subspace Approach to Extracting Layers from Image Sequences Geoff Langdale Thomas Gross The Effect of Profile Choice and Profile Gathering Methods on Profile-Driven Optimization Systems Tze-Sing Eugene Ng Hui Zhang Network Support for Global-Scale Peer-to-Peer Systems Dan Pelleg Andrew Moore Scalable and Practical Probability Density Estimators for Scientific Anomaly Detection Brigitte Pientka Frank Pfenning Tabled Higher-order Logic Programming Charles Joseph Rosenberg Martial Hebert, Sebastian Thrun Semi-Supervised Training of Models for Appearance-Based Statistical Object Detection Methods Oleg Mikhail Sheyner Jeannette Wing Scenario Graphs and Attack Graphs Bridget Spitznagel David Garlan Compositional Transformation of Software Connectors Kathryn Van Stone Stephen Brookes A Denotational Approach to Measuring Complexity in Functional Programs Peter Venable John Lafferty Modeling Syntax for Parsing and Translation Alma Whitten Doug Tygar Making Security Usable Theodore Ming-Tao Wong Jeannette Wing Decentralized Recovery for Survivable Storage Systems Weng-Keen Wong Andrew Moore Data Mining for Early Detection of Disease Outbreaks Ke Yang Steven Rudich On the Communication Complexity of Correlation and Entanglement Distillation Academic Year: 2002-2003 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title Michael Bowling Manuela Veloso Multiagent Learning in the Presence of Agents with Limitations Eli Underhill Brandt Roger Dannenberg Computer Music Programming with Temporal Type Constructors Shawn A. Butler Mary Shaw Security Attribute Evaluation Method Scott Davies Andrew Moore Fast Factorized Density Estimation and Compression with Bayesian Networks Alexander G. Gray Andrew Moore Bringing Tractability to Generalized N-Body Problems in Statistical and Scientific Computation Aaron Greenhouse William Scherlis, Thomas Gross A Programmer-Oriented Approach to Safe Concurrency Yih-Chun Hu David Johnson Enabling Secure High-Performance Wireless Ad Hoc Networking Shyjan Mahamud Martial Hebert, Reid Simmons Discriminative Distance Measures for Object Detection Dimitris Margaritis Sebastian Thrun Learning Bayesian Network Model Structure from Data Michael Mateas Jaime Carbonell, Joseph Bates Interactive Drama, Art and Artificial Intelligence Mark Moll Michael Erdmann Shape Reconstruction Using Active Tactile Sensors Dushyanth Narayanan M. Satyanarayanan Operating System Support for Mobile Interactive Applications J. Gregory Steffan Todd Mowry Hardware Support for Thread-Level Speculation James D Thomas Katia Sycara News and Trading Rules William T. B. Uther Manuela Veloso Tree Based Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Academic Year: 2001-2002 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title Sergey Berezin Edmund Clarke Model Checking and Theorem Proving: A Unified Framework Raluca Budiu John Anderson The Role of Background Knowledge in Sentence Processing Fay W. Chang Garth Gibson Using speculative execution to automatically hide I/O latency Perry Sze-Din Cheng Guy Blelloch, Robert Harper Scalable Real-time Parallel Garbage Collection for Symmetric Multiprocessors Frank Dellaert Charles Thorpe, Sebastian Thrun Monte Carlo EM for Data Association and its Applications in Computer Vision David A. Eckhardt Peter Steenkiste An Internet-style Approach to Managing Wireless Link Errors Jason Flinn M. Satyanarayanan Extending Mobile Computer Battery Life through Energy-Aware Adaptation Matthew Glickman Katia Sycara, Joseph Bates An Empirical Investigation of the Evolution of Parent-Offspring Transmission in Evolutionary Search John Langford Avrim Blum Quantitatively Tight Sample Complexity Bounds Wilfredo Marrero Edmund Clarke Brutus: A Model Checker for Security Protocols Robert C. Miller Brad Myers Lightweight Structure in Text John F. Pane Brad Myers A Programming System for Children that is Designed for Usability Adrian Perrig Doug Tygar Security Protocols for Broadcast Networks Jeffrey S. Pierce Randy Pausch Expanding the Interaction Lexicon for 3D Graphics Jeff Polakow Frank Pfenning, John Reynolds Ordered Linear Logic and Applications Jovan Popović Michael Erdmann, Steven Seitz Interactive Design of Rigid-Body Simulations for Computer Animation Douglas L. T. Rohde David Plaut A Connectionist Model of Sentence Comprehension and Production Bryan W. Singer Manuela Veloso Automating the Modeling and Optimization of the Performance of Signal Processing Algorithms Seán Slattery Tom Mitchell Hypertext Classification Belinda Thom Manuela Veloso BoB: An Improvisational Music Companion Academic Year: 2000-2001 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title Andrej Bauer Dana Scott The Realizability Approach to Computable Analysis and Topology Adam Berger John Lafferty Statistical Machine Learning for Information Retrieval Mei C. Chuah James Morris, Stephen Roth AVID: Automatic Visualization Interface Designer Craig A. Damon Jeannette Wing Selective Enumeration F. Sebastian Grassia Andrew Witkin Believable Automatically Synthesized Motion by Knowledge-Enhanced Motion Transformation Neil T. Heffernan III John Anderson, Kenneth Koedinger Intelligent Tutoring Systems Have Forgotten the Tutor: Adding a Cognitive Model of Human Tutors Adam Kalai Avrim Blum Probabilistic and On-line Methods in Machine Learning Bruce Lowekamp Thomas Gross, David O'Hallaron Discovery and Application of Network Information David A. Maltz David Johnson On-Demand Routing in Multi-hop Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Kamal Paul Nigam Tom Mitchell Using Unlabeled Data to Improve Text Classification Robert T. Olszewski Roy Maxion, Daniel Siewiorek Generalized Feature Extraction for Structural Pattern Recognition in Time-Series Data Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous … Page 5 Page 6 Current page 7 Page 8 Page 9 … Next page Next › Last page Last » Academics Current Semester Courses Upcoming Semester Courses Schedule of Classes Undergraduate Catalog Bachelor's Programs Master's Programs Doctoral Programs Ph.D. in Computer Science Ph.D. in ACO Ph.D. in PAL CNBC Certificate Program Ph.D. Dual Degree Portugal Doctoral - How to Apply Degrees Conferred Other SCS Doctoral Programs Student Resources Thesis Repositories SCS Technical Reports Kilthub Proquest (requires CMU login)