Doctoral Degrees Conferred Search Academic Year: 2000-2001 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title Robert O'Callahan Daniel Jackson, Jeannette Wing Generalized Aliasing as a Basis for Program Analysis Tools Carsten Schüermann Frank Pfenning Automating the Meta Theory of Deductive Systems Christopher Allan Stone Robert Harper Singleton Kinds and Singleton Types Andrew J. Willmott Paul Heckbert Hierarchical Radiosity with Multiresolution Meshes Hao Chi Wong Jeannette Wing Protecting Individuals' Interests in Electronic Commerce Protocols Academic Year: 1999-2000 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title Lars Birkedal Dana Scott Developing Theories of Types and Computability via Realizability Carl Burch Avrim Blum Machine learning in metrical task systems and other on-line problems Rob DeLine Mary Shaw Resolving Packaging Mismatch Peter August Dinda David O'Hallaron Resource Signal Prediction and Its Application To Real-time Scheduling Advisors Jüergen Dingel Stephen Brookes Systematic parallel programming Eugene Fink Herbert Simon, Jaime Carbonell Automatic Representation Changes in Problem Solving Howard Gobioff Garth Gibson, Doug Tygar Security for a High Performance Commodity Storage Subsystem Geoffrey Gordon Tom Mitchell Approximate Solutions to Markov Decision Processes Marius Minea Edmund Clarke Partial Order Reduction for Verification of Timed Systems Robert T. Monroe David Garlan Rapid Development of Custom Software Architecture Design Environments Thomas M. Stricker Thomas Gross Direct Deposit – When Message Passing meets Shared Memory Academic Year: 1998-1999 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title Leemon C. Baird III Andrew Moore Reinforcement Learning Through Gradient Descent Claudson Ferriera Bornstein Bruce Maggs, Gary Miller Parallelizing and De-parallelizing Elimination Orders Justin Andrew Boyan Scott Fahlman, Andrew Moore Learning Evaluation Functions for Global Optimization Denis R. Dancanet Stephen Brookes Intensional Investigations Dayne Freitag Tom Mitchell Machine Learning for Information Extraction Michael Garland Paul Heckbert Quadric-Based Polygonal Surface Simplification Lorin V. Grubb Roger Dannenberg A Probabilistic Method for Tracking a Vocalist Darrell Kindred Jeannette Wing Theory Generation for Security Protocols Christian Lebiere Scott Fahlman The Dynamics of Cognition: An ACT-R Model of Cognitive Arithmetic Richard G. McDaniel Brad Myers, James Morris Building Whole Applications Using Only Programming-by-Demonstration Arup Mukherjee Daniel Siewiorek Supporting Online Services in Environments Constrained by Communication Girija Narlikar Guy Blelloch Space-efficient Scheduling for Parallel, Multithreaded Computations George Ciprian Necula Peter Lee Compiling with Proofs Ljubomir Perković Dana Scott, Bruce Reed Edge Coloring, Polyhedra and Probability Zoran Popović Andrew Witkin Motion Transformation by Physically Based Spacetime Optimization Andréa Werneck Richa Bruce Maggs On Distributed Network Resource Allocation Henry A. Rowley Takeo Kanade Neural Network-Based Face Detection Dario D. Salvucci John Anderson Mapping Eye Movements to Cognitive Processes Phoebe Sengers Joseph Bates Anti-Boxology: Agent Design in Cultural Context Peter Stone Manuela Veloso Layered Learning in Multi-Agent Systems Astro Teller Manuela Veloso Algorithm Evolution with Internal Reinforcement for Signal Understanding Daniel Tunkelang Daniel Sleator A Numerical Optimization Approach to General Graph Drawing Bwolen Yang David O'Hallaron Optimizing Model Checking Based on BDD Characterization Academic Year: 1997-1998 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title James Blythe Jaime Carbonell Planning under Uncertainty in Dynamic Domains José Carlos Brustoloni Peter Steenkiste Effects of Data Passing Semantics and Operating System Structure on Network I/O Performance Rich Caruana Jaime Carbonell Multitask Learning Yirng-An Chen Randal Bryant Arithmetic Circuit Verification Based on Word-Level Decision Diagrams Scott Draves Peter Lee Automatic Program Specialization for Interactive Media Maria R. Ebling M. Satyanarayanan Translucent Cache Management for Mobile Computing Karen Zita Haigh Manuela Veloso Situation-Dependent Learning for Interleaved Planning and Robot Execution Jonathan C. Hardwick Guy Blelloch Practical Parallel Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms Sven Koenig Reid Simmons Goal-Directed Acting with Incomplete Information Charles W. Krueger David Garlan, Nico Habermann Modeling and Simulating a Software Architecture Design Space Qingming Ma Peter Steenkiste Quality-of-Service Routing in Integrated Services Networks Clifford W. Mercer Mootaz Elnozahy, Ragunathan Rajkumar Operating System Resource Reservation for Real-Time and Multimedia Applications See-Kiong Ng Mark Perlin Automating Computational Molecular Genetics: Solving the microsatellite genotyping problem Brian D. Noble M. Satyanarayanan Mobile Data Access John Ockerbloom David Garlan Mediating Among Diverse Data Formats Manish Pandey Randal Bryant Formal Verification of Memory Arrays A. David Redish David Touretzky Beyond the Cognitive Map: Contributions to a Computational Neuroscience Theory of Rodent Navigation Margaret Reid-Miller Guy Blelloch Experiments with Parallel Pointer-Based Algorithms Yury V. Smirnov Manuela Veloso Hybrid Algorithms for On-Line Search and Combinatorial Optimization Problems James M. Stichnoth Thomas Gross Generating Code for High-Level Operations through Code Composition Dafna Talmor Gary Miller Well-Spaced Points for Numerical Methods Andrew Tomkins Merrick Furst Practical and Theoretical Issues in Prefetching and Caching Santosh Vempala Avrim Blum Geometric Tools for Algorithms Minh Tue Vo Alexander Waibel A Framework and Toolkit for the Construction of Multimodal Learning Interfaces Marco Zagha Guy Blelloch Efficient Irregular Computation on High-Bandwidth Pipelined-Memory Multiprocessors Academic Year: 1996-1997 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title Robert J. Allen David Garlan A Formal Approach to Software Architecture Erik M. Altmann Bonnie John Episodic Memory for External Information Shumeet Baluja Dean Pomerleau Expectation-Based Selective Attention Sergio Vale Aguiar Campos Edmund Clarke A Quantitative Approach to the Formal Verification of Real-Time Systems Lonnie Dale Chrisman Tom Mitchell, Reid Simmons Approximation of Graphical Probabilistic Models by Iterative Dynamic Discretization and Application to Time-Series Segmentation Christopher Colby Peter Lee Semantics-based Program Analysis via Symbolic Composition of Transfer Relations Anwar Mohammed Ghuloum Allan Fisher Compiling Recurrent and Irregular Serial Code for High Performance Computers Richard Thomas Goodwin Reid Simmons Meta-Level Control for Decision-Theoretic Planners John Greiner Guy Blelloch Semantics-based parallel cost models and their use in provably efficient implementations Keith D. Gremban Gary Miller Combinatorial Preconditioners for Sparse, Symmetric, Diagonally Dominant Linear Systems Somesh Jha Edmund Clarke Symmetry and Induction in Model Checking Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous … Page 6 Page 7 Current page 8 Page 9 Page 10 … Next page Next › Last page Last » Academics Current Semester Courses Upcoming Semester Courses Schedule of Classes Undergraduate Catalog Bachelor's Programs Master's Programs Doctoral Programs Ph.D. in Computer Science Ph.D. in ACO Ph.D. in PAL CNBC Certificate Program Ph.D. Dual Degree Portugal Doctoral - How to Apply Degrees Conferred Other SCS Doctoral Programs Student Resources Thesis Repositories SCS Technical Reports Kilthub Proquest (requires CMU login)