SCS Ph.D. Graduation 2019

Doctoral Degrees Conferred

Academic Year: 1982-1983
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Roger Dannenberg Peter Hibbard Resource Sharing in a Network of Personal Computers
Mark Fox Herbert Simon Constraint-directed Search: A Case Study of Job-shop Scheduling
James Gosling Robert Sproull, Raj Reddy Algebraic Constraints
Robert Hon Raj Reddy, Robert Sproull Two Papers on Circuit Extraction
Richard Korf Herbert Simon Learning to Solve Problems by Searching for Macro-operators
David Lamb Mary Shaw Sharing Intermediate Representations
Andrew Palay Hans Berliner Searching with Probabilities
Paul Rosenbloom Allen Newell The Chunking of Goal Hierarchies: A Model of Practice and Stimulus-response Compatability
Mahadev Satyanarayanan William Wulf, George Robertson A Methodology for Modelling Storage Systems and its Application to a Network File System
Karsten Schwans Anita Jones Tailoring Software for Multiple Processor Systems
Steven Shafer Takeo Kanade Shadow Geometry and Occluding Contours of Generalized Cylinders
Pradeep Sindhu Robert Sproull Distribution and Reliability in a Multiprocessor Operating System
Richard Snodgrass William Wulf Monitoring Distributed Systems: A Relational Approach
Steven Vegdahl Anita Jones Local Code Generation and Compaction in Optimizing Microcode Compilers
Academic Year: 1981-1982
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Peter Feiler Nico Habermann A Language-oriented Interactive Programming Environment Based on Compilation Technology
Richard Gumpertz William Wulf Error Detection with Memory Tags
Satish Gupta Robert Sproull Architectures and Algorithms for Parallel Updates of Raster Scan Displays
Paul Hilfinger Mary Shaw Abstraction Mechanisms and Language Design
Kowk-woon Lai Daniel P. Siewiorek Functional Testing of Digital Systems
Charles Leiserson H. T. Kung Area-efficient VLSI Computation
David McDonald Scott Fahlman Understanding Noun Compounds
Raul Medina-Mora Nico Habermann Syntax-directed Editing: Towards Integrated Programming Environments
Kamesh Ramakrishna Allen Newell Schematization as an Aid to Organizing ZOG Information Nets
John Robinson H. T. Kung Design of Concurrency Controls for Transaction Processing Systems
Robert Schwanke Nico Habermann Execution Environments in Programming Languages and Operating Systems
Siang Wun Song H. T. Kung On a High-performance VLSI Solution to Database Problems
Academic Year: 1980-1981
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Guy Almes William Wulf Garbage Collecting in an Object-oriented System
Samuel Harbison William Wulf A Computer Architecture for the Dynamic Optimization of High-level Language Programs
John Kender Raj Reddy Shape from Texture
Bruce Leverett William Wulf Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers
Patrick McGehearty Richard Swan Performance Evaluation of a Multiprocessor under Interactive Workloads
David Jack Mostow Jaime Carbonell Mechanical Transformation of Task Heuristics into Operational Procedures
Bruce Nelson Robert Sproull Remote Procedure Call
Brian Reid Robert Sproull SCRIBE: A Document Specification Language and its Compiler
Loretta Guarino Reid Nico Habermann Control and Communication in Programmed Systems
Clark Thompson H. T. Kung A Complexity Theory for VLSI
Academic Year: 1979-1980
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Sten Andler Nico Habermann Predicate Path Expressions: A High-level Synchronization Mechanism
Kevin Brown Michael Shamos Geometric Transforms for Fast Geometric Algorithms
Donald Cohen Scott Fahlman Knowledge Based Theorem Proving and Learning
John Gaschnig Herbert Simon Performance Measurement and Analysis of Certain Search Algorithms
David Jefferson William Wulf Type Reduction and Program Verification
John Ousterhout Nico Habermann Partitioning and Cooperation in a Distributed Multiprocessor Operating System: MEDUSA
Steve Saunders Raj Reddy, William Wulf Compiling Customized Executable Representations and Interpreters
Walter Tichy Nico Habermann Software Development Control Based on System Structure Description
Academic Year: 1978-1979
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Lee Cooprider Nico Habermann The Representation of Families of Software Systems
Lanny Forgy Allen Newell On the Efficient Implementation of Production Systems
John Oakley Daniel Siewiorek Symbolic Execution of Formal Machine Descriptions
Elaine Rich George Robertson Building and Exploiting User Models
Richard Swan Samuel Fuller The Switching Structure and Addressing Architecture of an Extensible Multiprocessor: Cm\*
Bruce Weide Michael Shamos Statistical Methods in Algorithm Design and Analysis
Academic Year: 1977-1978
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Gerard Baudet H. T. Kung The Design and Analysis of Algorithms for Asynchronous Multiprocessors
Rick Cattell William Wulf Formalization and Automatic Derivation of Code Generators
Lawrence Flon Nico Habermann On the Design and Verification of Operating Systems
James Gillogly Allen Newell Performance Analysis of the Technology Chess Program
Donald Heller Joseph Traub The Solution of Block Tri-diagonal Linear Systems on Parallel Computers
Madhav Marathe Samuel Fuller Performance Evaluation at the Hardware Architecture Level and the Operating System Kernel Design Level
Donald McCracken Allen Newell A Production System Version of the Hearsay II Speech Understanding System
Steve Rubin Raj Reddy ARGOS Image Understanding System
Richard Smith Lee Erman Word Hypothesization for Large-vocabulary Speech Understanding Systems
Mark Stickel Bruce Buchanan Mechanical Theorem Proving and Artificial Intelligence Languages
Academic Year: 1976-1977
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Douglas Clark Samuel Fuller List Structure: Measurements, Algorithms, and Encodings
Ellis Cohen William Wulf Problems, Mechanisms, and Solutions
Roy Levin William Wulf Program Structures for Exceptional Condition Handling
Keith Price Raj Reddy Change Detection and Analysis in Multi-spectral Images
Michael Rychener Allen Newell Production Systems as a Programming Language for Artificial Intelligence Applications
E. A. Schneider Nico Habermann Synchronization of Finite State Shared Resources
Academic Year: 1975-1976
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Gideon Ariely William Wulf Verification of Systems Programs
H. Chang Nico Habermann An Analysis of Deadlock Avoidance Schemes and the Resource Utilization For Non-pre-emptible Resources
Richard Johnsson William Wulf An Approach to Global Register Allocation
Bruce Lowerre Raj Reddy HARPY Speech Understanding System
Charles Weinstock William Wulf Analysis of Storage Allocation
Academic Year: 1974-1975
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Henry Goldberg Raj Reddy Segmentation and Labeling of Speech: A Comparative Performance Evaluation