Publications by Jessica Hodgins


Semantic understanding of professional soccer commentaries

2012 • Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence - Proceedings of the 28th Conference, UAI 2012 • 326-335
Hajishirzi H, Rastegari M, Farhadi A, Hodgins JK


Using group history to identify character-directed Utterances in multi-child interactions

2012 • SIGDIAL 2012 - 13th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, Proceedings of the Conference • 207-216
Hajishirzi H, Lehman JF, Hodgins JK


Animating non-humanoid characters with human motion data

2010 • Computer Animation 2010 - ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium Proceedings, SCA 2010 • 169-178
Yamane K, Ariki Y, Hodgins J


Augmenting hand animation with three-dimensional secondary motion

2010 • Computer Animation 2010 - ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium Proceedings, SCA 2010 • 93-102
Jain E, Sheikh Y, Mahler M, Hodgins J
Displaying 126 - 150 of 313