David Brumley Professor of ECE, Affiliated Faculty CMU Scholars Page ORCiD Office 2202 Mehrabian Collaborative Innovation Center Email dbrumley@cmu.edu Phone (412) 268-3851 Department CIT - Electrical and Computer Engineering Computer Science Department: Affiliated Research Interests Formal Methods Security Cryptography Security and Privacy Systems Advisees Seunghyun Lee CSD Courses Taught 15330 - Spring, 2024 Research Statement My primary research area is software security techniques that give users guarantees. My research is at the intersection of model checking, formal methods, compilers, and logic, all of which are applied to security problems. Some of the central techniques that we are developing in order to accomplish our goals include efficient symbolic execution, reasoning about bit-level arithmetic in finite fields, sound decompilation, and decision procedures. I also work in other areas of computer security, such as network security and applied cryptography. In these areas, we look at efficient protocols, efficient signature schemes, and privacy-preserving cryptography. Current questions we are working on include can we automatically generate exploits? Can we automatically develop recognizers for exploits of a particular vulnerability? What are the limits of reverse engineering? Can we show that Microsoft implements RSA correctly, and that they aren't stealing our secrets? Can we show a crypto algorithm doesn't leak secrets via side-channels? What do we need to change to keep software patches from breaking systems? How do things change in critical systems, e.g., securing an MRI machine in a hospital? Would you want to be the first to get an MRI after a software update? In our setting, we typically assume the software in these settings is only available in binary (i.e., executable) form. Binary code analysis is attractive for several reasons. First, binary-level code analysis allows us to argue about the security of the code that actually executes, not just what was compiled. Second, everyone has access to the programs they run in binary form, thus binary-only techniques promise to be widely applicable. Finally, a binary program is a program in the most basic and primitive form. If we can reason about security concerns at the binary level, we can faithfully reason about software security problems in any language. Publications Chapter Static Analysis 2025 2526-2528 Brumley D Conference Cloud Datacenter SDN Monitoring 2018 464-470 Roy A, Bansal D, Brumley D, Chandrappa HK, Sharma P, Tewari R, Arzani B, Snoeren AC Journal Article The Mayhem Cyber Reasoning System 2018 • IEEE Security and Privacy • 16(2):52-60 Avgerinos T, Brumley D, Davis J, Goulden R, Nighswander T, Rebert A, Williamson N Conference How Shall We Play a Game? A Game-theoretical Model for Cyber-warfare Games 2017 • Proceedings of the Computer Security Foundations Workshop • 7-21 Bao T, Shoshitaishvili Y, Wang R, Kruegel C, Vigna G, Brumley D Conference Scaling Up DPLL(T) String Solvers Using Context-Dependent Simplification 2017 • Lecture Notes in Computer Science • 10427:453-474 Reynolds A, Woo M, Barrett C, Brumley D, Liang T, Tinelli C
Conference Cloud Datacenter SDN Monitoring 2018 464-470 Roy A, Bansal D, Brumley D, Chandrappa HK, Sharma P, Tewari R, Arzani B, Snoeren AC
Journal Article The Mayhem Cyber Reasoning System 2018 • IEEE Security and Privacy • 16(2):52-60 Avgerinos T, Brumley D, Davis J, Goulden R, Nighswander T, Rebert A, Williamson N
Conference How Shall We Play a Game? A Game-theoretical Model for Cyber-warfare Games 2017 • Proceedings of the Computer Security Foundations Workshop • 7-21 Bao T, Shoshitaishvili Y, Wang R, Kruegel C, Vigna G, Brumley D
Conference Scaling Up DPLL(T) String Solvers Using Context-Dependent Simplification 2017 • Lecture Notes in Computer Science • 10427:453-474 Reynolds A, Woo M, Barrett C, Brumley D, Liang T, Tinelli C