Journal Article How low can you go? 2008 • ACM Sigplan Notices • 43(3):14-25 McCune JM, Parno B, Perrig A, Reiter MK, Seshadri A
Conference Unidirectional key distribution across time and space with applications to RFID security 2008 • Proceedings of the 17th USENIX Security Symposium • 75-90 Juels A, Pappu R, Parno B
Conference Minimal TCB Code Execution (Extended Abstract)* *This research was supported in part by CyLab at Carnegie Mellon under grant DAAD19-02-1-0389 from the Army Research Office, and grants CT-0433540 and CCF-0424422 from the National Science Foundation,... 2007 • IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy: Proceedings • 267-272 McCune JM, Parno B, Perrig A, Reiter MK, Seshadri A
Conference Portcullis: Protecting connection setup from denial-of-capability attacks 2007 • Computer Communication Review • 37(4):289-300 Parno B, Wendlandt D, Shi E, Perrig A, Maggs B, Hu Y-C
Conference Phoolproof phishing prevention 2006 • Lecture Notes in Computer Science • 4107:1-19 Parno B, Kuo C, Perrig A
Conference Distributed Detection of Node Replication Attacks in Sensor Networks 2005 • IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy: Proceedings • 49-63 Parno B, Perrig A, Gligor V
Journal Article Defending a P2P digital preservation system 2004 • IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing • 1(4):209-222 Parno B, Roussopoulos M
Conference Cinderella: Turning Shabby X.509 Certificates into Elegant Anonymous Credentials with the Magic of Verifiable Computation • IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy: Proceedings • 235-254 Delignat-Lavaud A, Fournet C, Kohlweiss M, Parno B
Conference Geppetto: Versatile Verifiable Computation • IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy: Proceedings • 253-270 Costello C, Fournet C, Howell J, Kohlweiss M, Kreuter B, Naehrig M, Parno B, Zahur S
Conference Pinocchio: Nearly Practical Verifiable Computation • IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy: Proceedings • 238-252 Parno B, Howell J, Gentry C, Raykova M