Conference Scalable Long-term Network Forensics for Epidemic Attacks 2009 • 2009 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NETWORK AND SERVICE SECURITY • 71-+ Chen LM, Chen MC, Sun YS, Hsiao S-W, Sekar V, Zhang H
Journal Article SmartRE: An Architecture for Coordinated Network-wide Redundancy Elimination 2009 • Computer Communication Review • 39(4):87-98 Anand A, Sekar V, Akella A
Conference An Empirical Evaluation of Entropy-based Traffic Anomaly Detection 2008 • IMC'08: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2008 ACM SIGCOMM INTERNET MEASUREMENT CONFERENCE • 151-156 Nychis G, Sekar V, Andersen DG, Kim H, Zhang H
Conference CSAMP: A system for network-wide flow monitoring 2008 • 5th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2008 • 233-246 Sekar V, Reiter MK, Willinger W, Zhang H, Kompella RR, Andersen DG
Conference Remote profiling of resource constraints of web servers using mini-flash crowds 2008 • Proceedings of the 2008 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, USENIX 2008 • 185-198 Ramamurthy P, Sekar V, Akella A, Krishnamurthy B, Shaikh A
Conference Using mini-flash crowds to infer resource constraints in remote web servers 2007 250-255 Ramamurthy P, Sekar V, Akella A, Krishnamurthy B, Shaikh A
Conference A multi-resolution approach for worm detection and containment 2006 • Proceedings of the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks • 189-198 Sekar V, Xie Y, Reiter MK, Zhang H
Conference Analyzing large DDoS attacks using multiple data sources 2006 161-168 Mao ZM, Sekar V, Spatscheck O, van der Merwe J, Vasudevan R
Conference Data streaming algorithms for estimating entropy of network traffic 2006 145-156 Lall A, Sekar V, Ogihara M, Xu J, Zhang H
Conference Data streaming algorithms for estimating entropy of network traffic 2006 • Performance Evaluation Review • 34(1):145-156 Lall A, Sekar V, Ogihara M, Xu J, Zhang H
Conference Forensic analysis for epidemic attacks in federated networks 2006 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NETWORK PROTOCOLS • 42-+ Xie Y, Sekar V, Reiter MK, Zhang H
Conference Forensic Analysis for Epidemic Attacks in Federated Networks 2006 • Proceedings - International Conference on Network Protocols, ICNP • 43-53 Xie Y, Sekar V, Reiter MK, Zhang H
Conference LADS: Large-scale automated DDoS detection system 2006 • USENIX ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2006 USENIX ANNUAL TECHNICAL CONFERENCE • 171-+ Sekar V, Duffield N, Spatscheck O, van der Merwe J, Zhang H
Conference Sparse approximations for high fidelity compression of network traffic data 2005 • Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference, IMC • 253-266 Aiello W, Gilbert A, Rexroad B, Sekar V
Conference Sparse approximations for high fidelity compression of network traffic data 2005 1 Aiello W, Gilbert A, Rexroad B, Sekar V
Conference Worm origin identification using random moonwalks 2005 • IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy: Proceedings • 242-256 Xie YL, Sekar V, Maltz DA, Reiter MK, Zhang H
Conference Routing for a Single Interface MCN Architecture and Pricing Schemes for Data Traffic in Multihop Cellular Networks 2003 • IEEE International Conference on Communications • 2:969-973 Sekar V, Manoj BS, Murthy CSR
Journal Article Analyzing the Benefits of Optical Topology Programming for Mitigating Link-Flood DDoS Attacks • IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing • PP(99):1-18 Nance-Hall M, Liu Z, Sekar V, Durairajan R
Journal Article Novel architecture for reconfigurable optical wireless networking data centers • SPIE Newsroom Kavehrad M, Das SR, Gupta H, Longtin J, Sekar V
Conference Rethinking Virtual Network Embedding in Reconfigurable Networks • Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks workshops • 1-9 Curran M, Rahman S, Gupta H, Sekar V
Conference Shedding light on inconsistencies in grid cybersecurity: Disconnects and recommendations • IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy: Proceedings Singer B, Pandey A, Li S, Bauer L, Miller C, Pileggi L, Sekar V