Golan Levin Professor of Art / Director of SFCI, Affiliated Faculty Office 405 College of Fine Arts Email golan@andrew.cmu.edu Department College of Fine Arts Computer Science Department: Affiliated Publications Conference Interactive Fabrication: New Interfaces for Digital Fabrication 2011 • TEI 2011: PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TANGIBLE EMBEDDED AND EMBODIED INTERACTION • 69-72 Willis KDD, Xu C, Wu K-J, Levin G, Gross MD Journal Article Computer vision for artists and designers: pedagogic tools and techniques for novice programmers 2006 • AI and Society • 20(4):462-482 Levin G Conference The table is the score: An augmented-reality interface for real-time, tangible, spectrographic performance 2006 • International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2006 • 151-154 Levin G Conference Directions and frameworks for effective telepresence 2004 69-72 Feiner S, Ganapathy SK, Lanier J, Levin G, White D, Pingali G Conference In-situ speech visualization in real-time interactive installation and performance 2004 7-14 Levin G, Lieberman Z
Conference Interactive Fabrication: New Interfaces for Digital Fabrication 2011 • TEI 2011: PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TANGIBLE EMBEDDED AND EMBODIED INTERACTION • 69-72 Willis KDD, Xu C, Wu K-J, Levin G, Gross MD
Journal Article Computer vision for artists and designers: pedagogic tools and techniques for novice programmers 2006 • AI and Society • 20(4):462-482 Levin G
Conference The table is the score: An augmented-reality interface for real-time, tangible, spectrographic performance 2006 • International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2006 • 151-154 Levin G
Conference Directions and frameworks for effective telepresence 2004 69-72 Feiner S, Ganapathy SK, Lanier J, Levin G, White D, Pingali G
Conference In-situ speech visualization in real-time interactive installation and performance 2004 7-14 Levin G, Lieberman Z