Introductory Course for CS Doctoral Students (IC)

Course ID 15996

Description This orientation course is required for incoming Computer Science Department doctoral students.

Key Topics
Inclusion, Well-being, Allyship, Identity safety, Self-advocacy

Learning Resources

Course Relevance
This orientation course is required for incoming Computer Science Department doctoral students.

Course Goals
"This course aims to increase students' abilities to:

Bravely, knowledgeably, openly, and inclusively discuss JEDI-related topics.
Name central JEDI concepts occurring in day-to-day interactions.
Self-advocate and practice self-care in the academic context.
Practice allyship to others in the academic context.
Apply evidence-based JEDI-promoting practices in research, teaching, and academic leadership positions.
Identify JEDI topics of interest and continue learning independently."

Assessment Structure
Homework 50%, Participation 50%

Extra Time Commitments
Some evening and weekend activities are planned during the Introductory Course

Course Link