Computational Game Solving

Course ID 15888

Description The course will focus on multi-step imperfect-information games because most real-world strategic settings are such games. Such games beget additional issues beyond perfect-information games like chess and Go, such as signaling, deception, and understanding deception by others. There has been tremendous progress in the AI community on solving such games since around 2003. This course covers the fundamentals and the state of the art of solving such games.

Key Topics
Lecture topics 2022:

Learning Resources
The course will be lecture based. At the end of the course there will be a few lectures of project presentations by students.

Readings will consist of a mixture of papers and course notes.

Assessment Structure
50% final project
40% homework sets (there will be 2-3 homework sets that may include both paper-and-pen questions and programming assignments)
10% completion of readings, attendance, and participation in class discussions

Course Link