Special Topic: Rapid Prototyping Technologies

Course ID 15294

Description This mini-course introduces students to rapid prototyping technologies with a focus on laser cutting and 3D printing. The course has three components: 1) A survey of rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing technologies, the maker and open source movements, and societal impacts of these technologies; 2) An introduction to the computer science behind these technologies: CAD tools, file formats, slicing algorithms; 3) Hands-on experience with SolidWorks, laser cutting, and 3D printing, culminating in student projects (e.g. artistic creations, functional objects, replicas of famous calculating machines, etc.).

Key Topics
Computer aided design, Laser cutting and 3D printing, Algorithms and file formats, Open source movement and maker culture, Industry trends, Societal Impacts

Learning Resources
Lecture Slides, Piazza, Autolab, SolidWorks 2021 Essential Training, IDeATe Resources

Course Relevance
Anyone who is interested in designing and fabricating physical artifacts, or in understanding the dramatic impact of additive manufacturing technologies on diverse industries from healthcare to robotics. Recommended for students planning to take 15-394. THIS COURSE IS IN-PERSON ONLY

Course Goals
A survey of rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing technologies, the maker and open source movements, and societal impacts of these technologies; An introduction to the computer science behind these technologies: CAD tools, file formats, slicing algorithms; Hands-on experience with SolidWorks, laser cutting, and 3D printing, culminating in student projects

Pre-required Knowledge
15-112 / Python

Assessment Structure
4 Assignments, Final Project

Course Link