More Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science

Course ID 15252

Description This course is intended for students who are taking 15-251 and would like more intensive exposure to theoretical computer science. The goal is to bring interested students closer to the research frontier. The class meets once a week for a lecture and the students are expected to solve a number of homework problems during the course of the semester. The work done in 15-252 does not replace any of the requirements of 15-251. Having achieved a grade of A in 15-151/21-127 is recommended.

Key Topics
Sorting Pancakes, Non-Deterministic Finite Automata, State Explosion, Kolomogorov-Chaitin Complexity

Course Relevance
This 3-unit mini-course is intended for students who are taking 15-251 and would like more intensive exposure to theoretical computer science.

Assessment Structure
Attendance and weekly assigned problems.

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