Zhihao Jia

Zhihao Jia

Assistant Professor

Office 9007 Gates and Hillman Centers

Email zhihao@cmu.edu

Computer Science Department

Administrative Support Person
Tracy Farbacher

Research Interests
Artificial Intelligence

Zhuoming Chen
Zikun Li
Gabriele Oliaro
Mengdi Wu
Mingkuan Xu
Zhihao Zhang

CSD Courses Taught

15642 - Spring, 2024

15442 - Spring, 2024

15618 - Fall, 2024

15418 - Fall, 2024


I am an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University, where I work on computer systems and machine learning as part of CMU Catalyst Group and Parallel Data Lab. Before joining CMU, I was a research scientist at Facebook. I received my PhD from the Computer Science Department at Stanford University in 2020, where I was co-advised by Alex Aiken and Matei Zaharia. Before coming to Stanford, I received my bachelor degree in Computer Science from the Special Pilot CS Class supervised by Andrew Yaoat Tsinghua University.

Research/Teaching Statement

I am interested in building systems for emerging application domains such as machine learning, quantum computing, and large-scale data analytics. In particular, my current research focuses on (1) accelerating deep learning computations on modern hardware platforms, and (2) optimizing quantum computations on today's intermediate-scale quantum devices.