Pongsin Poosankam

Scaling Dynamic Symbolic Execution of Binary Programs for Security Applications Degree Type: Ph.D. in Computer Science
Advisor(s): Dawn Song
Graduated: August 2013


Concolic execution is a technique for program analysis that makes the values of certain inputs symbolic, symbolically executes a program's code, and computes a symbolic logical formula to represent a desired behavior of the program under analysis. The computed formula is then solved by a decision procedure to determine whether the desired behavior is feasible and, if so, provide an example program input that satisfies the formula. Concolic execution and similar techniques have widely been applied to a variety of security-related applications including automatic test input generation, vulnerability discovery, exploit generation, signature generation, protocol reverse engineering, and detecting deviations between software implementations.

Although there has been a great success in applying it to various security-related applications, a basic implementation of concolic execution only works well on small programs and scaling it to real-world binary programs is difficult. One reason is that programs often contain certain code constructs that are difficult to reason about directly such as loops and encoding functions. Another reason is that the number of symbolic formulas grows drastically in proportion to the size of the program being analyzed.

These observations led us to develop three scaling techniques for concolic execution. The first scaling technique, loop-extended concolic execution, focuses on improving the efficiency of concolic execution when analyzing program portions that involve loops. The second technique, decomposition and re-stitching of concolic execution, addresses the issue that arose from the presence of encoding functions, which are difficult to reason about automatically. The third technique uses the state model of the program under analysis to guide concolic execution. Our techniques work on program binaries and do not require the presence of source code or debugging information in the binaries.

We apply our scaled concolic execution to a variety of security-related applications. For each of our scaling techniques, we demonstrate that they significantly improve the performance and usability of automatic test input generation and vulnerability discovery, which are previously known applications of concolic execution. We also study unexplored applications of concolic execution in security-related problems such as malware genealogy and protocol model inference.

Thesis Committee:
Dawn Song, Chair (UC Berkeley and CMU)
Frank Pfenning
Andre ́ Platzer
David Brumley
Stephen McCamant (University of Minnesota)

Frank Pfenning, Head, Computer Science Department
Randy Bryant, Dean, School of Computer Science

BitBlaze, BitFuzz, binary program analysis, concolic execution, test input generation, vulnerability discovery

CMU-CS-13-112.pdf (1.29 MB) ( 146 pages)
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