Neelakantan R. Krishnaswami

Verifying Higher-Order Imperative Programs with Higher-Order Separation Logic Degree Type: Ph.D. in Computer Science
Advisor(s): Stephen Brookes, John Reynolds
Graduated: August 2012


In this thesis I show is that it is possible to give modular correctness proofs of interesting higher-order imperative programs using higher-order separation logic.

To do this, I develop a model higher-order imperative programming language, and develop a program logic for it. I demonstrate the power of my program logic by verifying a series of examples. This includes both realistic patterns of higher-order imperative programming such as the subject-observer pattern, as well as examples demonstrating the use of higher-order logic to reason modularly about highly aliased data structures such as the union-find disjoint set algorithm.

Thesis Committee:
Jonathan Aldrich (Co-chair)
John C. Reynolds (Co-chair)
Robert Harper
Lars Birkedal (IT University of Copenhagen)

Jeannette Wing, Head, Computer Science Department
Randy Bryant, Dean, School of Computer Science

Separation Logic, Design Patterns, Verification, Specification, Type Theory, Denotational Semantics, Program Logic, Program Correctness

CMU-CS-12-127.pdf (916.39 KB) ( 216 pages)
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